Two organ meditations for Russ & Amy Dean
By Eon Malan | At the organ bench, 28 January 2022
Fountain opposite UNCC Music Department 2019
Traditional Irish Melody
SLANE is an old Irish folk tune associated with the ballad "With My Love on the Road" in Patrick W. Joyce's Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909). It became a hymn tune when it was arranged by David Evans and set to the Irish hymn "Be Thou My Vision" published in the Church Hymnary (1927).
Organ piece: Meditation on “Be Thou My Vision”
Arranged by Robert Lau
Organist: Eon Malan
Date: 12 Jan 2022.
Organ: Cracow, St. John Cantius, Poland (Hauptwerk)
Composer: George Neumark 1657
The hymn text and chorale melody are both known by the name Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten (“Whoever lets our beloved God rule”). Both are the work of Georg Neumark (1621-1681).
Organ piece: Laat met my U verenig lewe
Arranged by Chris Lamprecht
Organist: Eon Malan
Date: 12 Jan 2022.
Organ: Cracow, St. John Cantius, Poland (Hauptwerk)